You find out all kinds of things when you read the tags that come with plants. For instance, the tags on the Flowering Maple plants say they are Temperennial.
Temperennial is a new phrase for those perennials that aren’t living in the right zone. In other words, it’s an annual here, but it could be a perennial if it was planted in a warmer climate zone.
Even if these plants are annuals around here, they are still worth including in a mixed container and kept where they can be admired. (Also, if you put them in containers, it’s possible to bring them in over the winter. We had a couple on the window sill last winter and they survived nicely.)
Abutilon ‘Smoked Salmon’

This Flowering Maple has large flaring pendant bells exactly the color of smoked salmon with a slightly lighter orange interior. It’s a prolific bloomer with flowers appearing in late spring and continuing until frost. It does best in full sun with evenly moist soil and can reach 25-36″ high by 18-24″ wide.
Abutilon ‘Lucky Lantern Yellow’

Fresh green foliage is the perfect background for an abundance of bright yellow blooms. This Flowering Maple (to 13-24″ tall by 12-18″ wide) has a compact, round habit, and a long flowering period. Hummingbirds love this plant and I’ve notice that bees are drawn to it as well.